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Good Wood Project: kick-off at Confapi in Rome

The kick off meeting of the Good Wood project, funded by the European Union Program for Employment and Social Innovation - Easi, took place in Rome on March 7th and 8th. Confapi is the lead partner and the coordinator of all activities. The project aims through the strengthening of the social dialogue to a reorganization of production and management in the wood sector.

The development of the green economy is an important challenge for the European social dialogue considering the role and the future evolution of relations between unions, employers' organizations, institutions and civil society. In line with the objectives set by the EU, the project aims to training and informing the actors involved, focusing on new technologies for the production and to a re-qualification of professionals in the wood-furniture sector. The first phase of training is scheduled for the month of May. The partners involved are the Guglielmo Tagliacarne Institute, the Bulgarian Chamber of Commerce, the Bulgarian Trade Union PodKrepa, the European Confederation of Wood Working Industries Cei-Bois and Aimmp, the Association of Industries of Wood and Furniture Portugal.

The meeting was attended by all the partners and was the occasion to illustrate the phases of the project, and to define strategies and tasks of each partner.